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Chaos Meditation Center


you go deeper and deeper into meditation.
you dive in the seas.
you demolish the structure.
sometimes you arrive at the dna level.

the cell

this is not an easy ride.

it snakes like a kundalini.
it’s around you.
you are in it.
you got the key to dna and kundalini at the same time.
once i was there i walked through nicely.
with harmonic waves.
human dna is much the same as animals.
we had a common ancestor.
we for a while.
then we branched out like a tree.
i virtually made a base.
i built a wooden structure on it.
i virtually crossed the branches of the tree.
if i want to call an animal.
i think of it.
and its properties arrive in my brain.
ready to use 4 shaolin kung fu.

or swim with dolphins.
or something very similar.

resize to comfortable size.
you mount it on your wrist.
you connect it to your brain.
virtual dna module loader rdy.

remember we copy the cells at evry moment.
dna can store data.
if i control the dna.
then i can write into it.
but not just write as we write at every moment.
so just controll it.

dna rdy.

first the wave generator and dna loader/writer were separate.
but over time, the dna unit merged into the wave unit.
so now i have 2 more complex wave units due to the higher fault tolerance.

pure virtual from HU|ngry.